Published on May 16, 2014

Highlights of the discussion session "Prisoners of conscience in Iran, in particular members of religious minorities", organized by Bahá'í Community of the Netherlands and Open Doors the Netherlands on 14 May 2014 in The Hague. Moderator: Shirin Milani (lawyer) and the speakers: Member of Parliament Mr. Harry van Bommel who reported on the experiences of the Dutch delegation of parliamentarians who visited Iran; Sir Geoffrey Nice (iran tribunal prosecutor) talked about the "Iran Tribunal" and how in Iran justice should proceed, Wimco Ester (from "Open Doors the Netherlands") talked about the situation in Protestant churches in Tehran which have been banned to hold any religious services in Persian; and Karlijn Van der Voort (lawyer) who talked about the "The Yaran" who have now been imprisoned for six years, and the Bahá'í community in Persia is suffering from daily persecution. -- VIDEO : Persian Dutch Network. 
نشستی در لاهه با موضوع وضعیت اقلیت های مذهبی در ایران به ویژه بهاییان و مسیجیان. این برنامه 14 می 2014 در لاهه به کوشش مرکز بهاییان در این شهر و بنیاد درهای باز هلند سازماندهی شد. بخش هایی از این نشست توسط شبکه ایرانیان هلند فیلمبرداری و منتشر شده است


