Women's Soccer United Coach of the Year Award Candidate - Katayoun Khosrowyar

Katayoun Khosrowyar grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma. As an Iranian-American she has been able to bring her own “revolution” to Iran. It’s a beautiful story that has allowed her to shape the national landscape of Iranian women’s football.

Post- Iran’s revolution, Iran’s first women’s national team discovered Kat. This started her journey to empower Iranian women in football.

In 2014, she was the first Iranian woman to have earned a FIFA/AFC “A” license. At such a young age, she has been able to inspire many girls to pursue their dream of playing football. Despite, all the political climaxes within Iran and outside the country. It isn’t easy for these girls to wear hijabs and be ridiculed for it, but she has allowed them to dream and push through all these political barriers.

In a country such as Iran with all the political interferences. Kat has opened up many doors for future generation of girls through her tenacity and persistent. Few of her girls have received offers from Europe.

In addition, Kat not only manages the U-19 side of Iran’s women’s national team, but advises the U-16/U-14 side as well. She is doing the job of three or more people simply because she believes she can create a pathway for a better future for these girls.

Furthermore, she has build communications and bridges with other nations to empower more women in various other countries. This lady single-handedly has been able to build a better relationship with the United States through football. This by itself is great for diplomacy.

Lastly, a country that still does not allow women to enter stadiums.It is outstanding how she has been able to cope with the politics and still believe she can make an impact on Iranian women.

The work Kat is doing is described as absolutely sensational and it is believed that many other coaches across the globe would not be able to handle the issues she has fought to face and that in itself shows the true character of this amazing individual.

Thank you to Pasha Hajian for the nomination.


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