The Israeli News Agency (INA) reported on 3 December that The Israeli Defence Force (IDF) was "on highest alert as operation Northern Shield to destroy Hezbollah tunnels was under way."

"Iran just supplied Hezbollah with weapons. IDF knows all offensive targets in Lebanon and Iran. IDF reservists called up. Air force, Navy prepared to engage Iran with NATO," the Israeli News Agency added.

Meanwhile Haaretz reported on 3 December that Israel is shifting its battle with Iran to Lebanon, after two years of attacking Iranian targets in Syria to prevent Iran from establishing its military presence in that country.

Haaretz further reported that "IDF is disturbed by Hezbollah honing its skills in the Syria war and sending some of its units back to Lebanon. Over the border, the Lebanese are increasingly suspicious of Israel, and their wariness is turning into threats." The paper opined that after Iran changed its behavior under Russia's pressures, the battle between Israel and Iran will be dragged into other countries.

A former Israeli military intelligence chief says "Iran has changed its tactics in Syria but it is moving everything from Syria to Lebanon."

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