Secretary of State Mike Pompeo laid out an extensive laundry list of what Iran must do to enter into a new deal after the U.S. formally announced its intentions to withdraw from the internationally-accepted Iran nuclear deal earlier this month. Pompeo unveiled the administration's next steps in the region in remarks at the Heritage Foundation on Monday. 

"President Trump withdrew from the deal for a simple reason: it failed to guarantee the safety of the American people from the risks created by the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran.  No more," Pompeo said, adding that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or JCPOA "put the world at risk because of its fatal flaws."  

Among Iran's must-do's, Pompeo includes stopping missile launches and the development of nuclear-capable missiles, allowing the IAEA with "unqualified access" to missile sites throughout the country, releasing all U.S. citizens, ending support for terrorist groups like Lebanese Hezbollah and the youths militia and Taliban in Afghanistan and the IRGC Quds Force's, taking forces that they control out of Syria, and respecting the sovereignty of the Iraqi government.

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