The recent news of Russian strategic bombers having been given at least one base of operation in western Iran, using the base(s) to bomb Syria, has long-term consequences for Iran, Iranians and the Middle East. So will the just announced $5 billion dollar Russian loan to Iran.

Here is how Russians see it:

“President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov: This [cooperation in Hamadan] is profitable first and foremost to the Iranian side and the military. Now during the time that we have the right to be present there, will the Americans or the Israelis prepare an attack on Iran, like it was a few years ago?"

Students of Iranian history are well aware of the Russian animosity toward Iran, including the February 1828 Torkamnachay Treaty, in which, major portions of Iranian territory were handed over to the Russians.  

Except one article, all other provisions of the treaty were decidedly in Russian favor.

The exception was, after the death of the Qajar King, Russia promised to support the ascension to the throne of his crown Prince.

In this light, because Russian bases in Iran is guaranteeing the rule of Islamist fascists-“reformers” and all, the silence, and even adulation of the Russian presence/occupation of Iran by the leftover members and sympathizers of the treasonous Russian created Toudeh Party of Iran, lefties and the “reformist” lovelies rooting for kinder, gentler Islamist fascism, based in the West is understandable.


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.