We are almost decensitised  about the Daily  news of our compatriots back home  having their eyes gauged out, hands chopped off, hanged in public, raped and tortured in jail, abducted by “plain clothed men” in broad day light and being heard of never again .

But the news of some of atrocities should give us ---those of us who care about human rights--- some clues about the agenda of the “Moderate” Ruling Islamo Fascists dictators back home and their Neo_Liberal friends here in west. One such news was the recent flogging of 5 leaders of striking Mine workers at chador_malou Iron ore mine in the province of Yazd in Iran, close to where the leading Islamo Fascist “reformist”, the multi billionaire Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani, known for his “pro business with west” sentiments comes from. These workers have been on strike, on and off, for at least two years now. Their demands up to recently have been very basic: regular wages and implementation of some safety requirements.  But recently they also decided to form their own “independent Union”. That was it! The “anti-imperialist Islamic republic”, advertising itself on every street corner of Imperialist world for sale could not afford offending her potential customers.

So the sharia Justice was immediately applied to the striking workers in the form of flogging and lengthy jail terms. And just to be even handed, a large group of students much further north, in Tehran, were also punished by flogging. This time for daring to hold an end of term party.

Looks like the coupling of Mr. Imperialist and Miss Sharia law was made in heaven of Allah the Neo-Liberal Capitalist.