As far as the weaponized nuke acquiring, warmongering messianic Islamist fascists -"reformers" and all - their lobbies and lefties are concerned; there are only two types of Iranians, disposable and reusable.

The reusables are those who regardless of 35 years worth of evidence to the contrary, do buy the “reformability” malarkey.

The disposables are those who do not buy the “reform” nonsense the fascists put out, which their lobbies and lefties advertise.

The sad truth is the reusables do not care much about what happens to the disposables.

The sadder truth is, more and more reusable Iranians perpetually become disposable. And yet, not wanting to rock the boat, the remaining reusables who keep faith in “reformability” of fascists, are deadly silent about the demise of the disposable Iranians.


Above picture, two neat rows of disposable Iranians.