Dear Abbee,

My acquaintance is bitter, angry, neurotic, absurd, and at the same time, nostalgic, arrogant and scornful. Since her divorce, she has been a mess. I think she is obsessed with him; she stalks him. Let me say right off the bat, her x is Iranian.

Every day – and sometimes, twice a day - she shows up at my door to dump her bizarre problems in my lap. I feel she sees me as her patience stone, but my patience is running out. One day, she accuses him of disloyalty – he dates online. One day, she says, “He is hanging out with the wrong crowd” – he met someone in the lobby. One day, she says, “He slams the door on me” – he didn't reply her email.

I know she is lonely, and feels deserted. I keep telling her, “Listen, hon! Let go of him. Move on with your life. There are so many desperadoes in diaspora who love to mingle with you – most of them divorcees like yourself.” However, she is oblivious to my sympathy for her. All she wants to do is to moan and groan about her x.

I am getting tired of her. After so many years, I feel there is nothing else I can do. What should I do for her, Abbee?


Dear Tired,

It's about time that you too slam the door on this bananas. She is hopeless.