The head of police in Tehran has banned dogs in parks and public places.  He has effectively declared Iroon no country for dogs.

The ever fickle Iroonis love fads and fashions. Yet keeping a dog entails responsibilities and they don’t clean after their dogs so enough is enough and Iroon has been declared no country for dogs. 

Irooni kids and even adults are afraid of animals and dogs in particular. And under constant religious brainwashing they consider dogs and most animals unclean so now Iroon has been declared no country for dogs. 

Iroonis have forgotten or once again have chosen to forget who they once were, otherwise they would remember revering cows, herd animals, and dogs which were also held sacred as they helped look after the other sacred animals, so forgetful Iroonis are no longer  bothered that Iroon has been declared no country for dogs.