It was bound to happen sooner or later, and it did. Yesterday an Islamist homicidal bomber detonated himself in New York City becoming the first such suicide murderer in America.

Good news is, except decimating his own gonads and slightly injuring few passersby, he did not succeed to inflict the kind of slaughter of innocents which has become the hallmark of Islamists savages.

Some in America, with xenophobic agenda, are focusing on the homicidal bomber being a relatively recent immigrant from Bangladesh. No doubt this savage Islamist murderer has handed the xenophobes an early Christmas & New Year gift.

However; lets keep in mind the millions of Muslim immigrants, many Iranians among them, who have fled their country of birth precisely from savage Islamists like this first suicide bomber in America.

Trump travel ban on citizens of number of countries, many with majority Muslim population with Iran being among them, is not only un-American, denying America with antidote to the Islamist savagery, it hands the Islamist barbarians and their lobbyists like NIAC a popular cause to hide behind.

Airtight sanctions, a la against the despicable South Africa apartheid, works. U.S. lawmakers get to it.