His Excellency Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
President Arab Republic of Egypt

Cairo, Egypt

November 26, 2017

Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt condolences on the loss of life brought about by the barbaric act of terror against the innocent citizens of Egypt.

For too long our region has fallen victim to militancy used as a tool by those who have sought to politicize our religion! Attempting to take Islam hostage, evil forces in our region have attempted to change its peaceful nature, replacing it with their own militancy against progress, modernity and a better life for our people!

This trend must be stopped and reversed at all costs; it cannot stand as it is in direct conflict with the intuitive wishes of a great majority of peace-loving people who simply seek a better life and progress in their children’s futures.

Mr. President, we stand in mourning with you and the great people of Egypt, firmly supporting your efforts to resist and defeat the forces of evil that have continuously conspired against progress, prosperity and security.

Heartfelt regards,

Reza Pahlavi

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