After the recent bloody confrontation in Charlottesville, where white supremacists were faced-off by disgusted Americans, a grassroots movement to identify and expose the participating bigots is in full swing. The goal is to exact a financial and social cost on bigotry.

After forty years of the warmongering Islamist fascism rule over Iran, which has legalized gender/religious apartheid, decades that have resulted in murdering many thousands of Iranians and many more in the fascists’ foreign wars, there are those Iranians in the western democracies who, without paying any cost, support the murderous Islamist fascists.


Why are some Iranians living in free countries so blasé about those enablers of their oppressors among them and yet so active in condemning the despicable human rights violators in America?

What is the difference between this ( ↓) homicidal White Supremacist running over unarmed demonstrators in Charlottesville, and the murderous Islamist fascist “police” doing it in Iran ( ↓)?


Airtight sanctions, a la against the despicable South Africa apartheid, works. U.S. lawmakers get to it.