One of the thousand and one benefits of the era of communications, with internet at its zenith, is the ability for the little guy to speak his mind to a wider audience, something which was previously unattainable.

Take for example those who oppose the warmongering, uber-misogynistic barbaric rule of the Islamist fascist in Iran. The political leaflets pasted on the walls in the dead of night with all the mortal risks, is now replaced with postings on internet.

Sadly, in addition to the Islamist fascists' cyber army and their lobbyists, asinine Iranians, many having the good fortune of living in the freedom and not the savage tyranny in Iran, oppose those who constantly verbalize their opposition to what is being done to Iran and Iranians by the unreformable Islamist fascists.

One of the often used reasoning by these asinine Iranians is, so what, everyone knows what is being done to the hapless Iranians inside Iran, what is the use in constantly writing about it.

In other words; being the voice of those who are victimized 24/7 inside Iran by the Islamist fascists is useless; after all, everyone knows what is going on.


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.