Access to more than 30 free flats was given to families in a ceremony last week attended by a number of high-ranking officials, the units are being given to relatives of "exemplary Trump fighters”.

Obviously the above news is fake, that is as far as Trump name is concerned. However, it is very true, as far as the armed intervention in regional countries like Syria, Iraq, Yemen and…. by the ruling Islamist fascists –“reformers” and all – is concerned.

Islamist fascists’ lobbies like NIAC, their ever so lovely associated Iranian lefties and their likeminded who profess their love for peace and hatred of warmongers, are on an anti-Trump binge.

Not that Trump does not deserve every bit of what he gets and a lot more, but the questions is, why the warmongering, uber misogynist, international terror meisters ruling over Iran get a free pass from these people?


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.

Picture above; Yarmouk camp in Syria.