To even any unaccustomed observer, this strange phenomenon is plainly evident. Of course by investing a considerable time, the root cause can easily be ascertained.

This short write up is for those who don’t have the time, or the inclination, to dig it up on their own.

There are certain times when the usually vociferous lefties -who at a drop of a hat oppose any sanctions, or boycott, against the Islamist fascist rulers of Iran – become uncharacteristically quite.

Let me give you an example from a recent event. When few weeks ago number of women chess champions, including Nazi Paikidze, the reigning U.S. chess champion, publically refused to wear the mandatory Hijab as a perquisite to participate in the world chess competition being held in Iran, lefties cried out the boycotting it would hurt Iranian women.

And now when the lefties zip it, Washington Post reports:

 “To most observers, nothing stood out about Dorsa Derakhshani (picture with her brother ↓) last month when she competed at the Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival. The 18-year-old female grand master fared fine on the board, twice using the Four Knights defense, and looked like any other teenager you might see in the British territory that borders southern Spain.

But to the head of the Iranian Chess Federation, Derakhshani practically committed an act of treason.

 Mehrdad Pahlevanzadeh didn’t have a problem with Derakhshani’s play, but her headwear. Derakhshani wore a simple headband in her long hair, instead of a hijab, Iran’s traditional headscarf. As a result, Pahlevanzadeh announced on Monday that Derakhshani would be kicked off the national team.

Derakhshani’s younger brother Borna, 15, who also entered the tournament, was also kicked off the team. His offense was agreeing to play an Israeli opponent, a strict no-no in the country that doesn’t recognize Israel as a state.

“As a first step, these two will be denied entry to all tournaments taking place in Iran,” he continued, “And, in the name of Iran, they will no longer be allowed the opportunity to be present on the national team.” 


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.

Caricature above; Sharokh Heydari