Trita Parsi, the lifetime president of NIAC Lobby, which does the bidding for the Islamist fascists –“reformers” and all- was a frequent visitor to Obama’s White House.

White House visitor logs show in the past 3 years, the lifetime president of the Islamist fascist lobby, visited 33 times, except for few ceremonies, the rest were for meetings with officials stationed there.

The cozy relationship between Obama and Islamist fascist lobby facilitated the faulty Obama legacy nuke deal with the lifetime Islamist Führer, NO, not a one benefit was derived for the people of Iran who are suffering even more human rights/economic sanctions by the Islamist fascists since the signing of the nuke deal.

Lest hope in Trump White House Islamist fascist lobbyists like NIAC will no longer be welcomed.


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.